Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thankful for Beautiful Shade Trees in the Summer...

and for the wonderful source of exercise they give me when raking their leaves in the Fall. Ok...maybe that is a little sarcastic and taking it a bit too far. This is what I am thankful for today:

1. The gorgeous day in which to rake the monstrous pile of leaves.
2. The warmth of the day today..67 degrees
3. The beautiful blue sky as a background setting to the gorgeous fall leaves on surrounding trees.
4. A strong back in which to rake rather than laying flat on my back feeling guilty for others doing my work.
5. A radio to listen to music and to sing and dance and embarrass Matti with...even though it was just us in the backyard.
6. More leaves for another day of fun...maybe several more days of fun.
7. A fun, ambitious, positive best friend to rake the leaves with me without complaint and laughing WITH me when i get leaves IN my pants and DOWN my shirt...oh and dog poop on my shoe that I don't discover until we get in Target. hehehe.

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